Autism is a social and medical construct to describe people who exceed the level of individuality tolerated by society. But human progress would be impossible without those who think and act individually; therefore autism should not merely be accepted, it should be appreciated.

These are the pieces I have written on this topic.

Frank L Ludwig

Autism Appreciation

Autism Appreciation Day

Essays and Articles:

Autism as a Social Construct:
Why Deindividuation Resisters Are Ostracised
(How Humans Progress: The Deindividuation Resister Hypothesis)

Overview: The History of Autism According to Me

Understanding Autism (It's not as difficult as you think)

Autism in a Nutshell

The Necessity of Autism - An Apologia for Our Existence

Human Rights Autism: How Autism Helped Mahatma Gandhi Free India

The Autistic Neanderthal Theory (How Neanderthal assimilation created modern humans)

Autism v Group Dynamics & Authority

Autistic Play

Why Applied Behaviour Analysis Harms Your Autistic Child
or ABA - When Children are Not Allowed to Be Themselves

Internalised Autismophobia

Pathologising Autism

The Neurological Spectrum - Between Individual and Collective Identity
(Take Ludwig's Neurological Spectrum Test)

The Difference Between Empathy and Nosocentrism

The Painful Art of Masking

Growing Up Autistically (How I discovered I'm autistic)

The Case for Organic Education (How Ken Robinson’s Model of Education Would Benefit Both Society and Students of All Neurological Orientations)

The Autistic Classroom
(How autistic learning could be accommodated rather than eliminated)

The Silenced Voice of Carly Fleischmann

The Autism Gravy Train - The Big Business with Autism

The Parallels between Left-Handedness and Autism

What is Low-Functioning Autism?

Why Autistic Children Need Autistic Teachers

How Autism Has Made Me an Exceptional Childcare Worker

Why Autism Speaks Disabled the Review Option on their Facebook Page

How Autism Speaks Hijacked World Autism Awareness Day

The Pathology of Sanity

The Autist's Guide to Planet Earth

For Children:

An Affectionate Letter to All Autistic Children

Albert Einstein was a Child

Children's Stories:

Flinn Elf Grows Up (based on the Deindividuation Resister Hypothesis)

When the Smoke Clears (What if autism was the natural state of humans?)

Short Stories:

The Other World (Satire: What would a predominantly autistic society look like?)

Two Heroes

Poetry Collection: Lines from the Spectrum

Narrative Poem: The Meeting of the Species

Film Review: Vexed with Vaxxed

Protest against VAXXED in Dublin

Story Collection: The Awkward Adventures of Autisman

My Interview for Learn From Autistics

Guest Posts for Rosemarie Maughan's Blog:

What do Autistic People Need from Non-Autistic Parents and Allies?

Autism Month: Why We Should Move from Awareness to Appreciation

I don't write new articles on a regular basis, but I sometimes edit,
update or add information to the existing ones, or I'll publish a new
poem to my collection. If you would like to get notified when this
happens, please follow my Autism Appreciation page on Facebook.

'Our intellectual advantage and our supposed social deficits are two sides of the same coin, and any attempts at "correcting" the latter will diminish that advantage. [...] It’s our failure to conform to society, it’s our failure to think the way others think, it’s our failure to subscribe to group dynamics and groupthink, it’s our failure to give in to peer pressure, it’s our failure to blindly follow tradition, it’s our failure to unquestioningly obey authority, and it’s our failure to accept the status quo that have driven human progress for tens of thousands of years, thanks to autistic individuals who successfully resisted attempts at being mainstreamed.'
For those looking for advice regarding their autistic children, I highly recommend the FB group Autism Inclusivity
with more than 164,000 members in which autistic people answer all the questions you may have.

Seeing the World Differently

I have more pro-autism memes on Pinterest and Flickr.