I spent the first 58 years of my life trying to figure out how society works, and I'll spend the rest of it trying to find an audience for my conclusion:
How Humans Progress: The Deindividuation Resister Hypothesis
The Neurological Spectrum - Between Individual and Collective Identity
(Take Ludwig's Neurological Spectrum Test)
The Neanderthal Children Theory
(How Neanderthal Assimilation Created Modern Humans)
Is Identity Denial the Leading Cause of Child and Teenage Suicides?
How Social Conditioning Creates Mental Disorders
The Child Traumatisers:
Archetypes in Traditional Fairytales and Religious Mythology
The Difference Between Empathy and Nosocentrism
The History of the United States (1585-2021):
Mundus Americanus or The Ultimate Empire
(How White Christian Supremacy Built and Destroyed the USA)
On Religion:
The Light Shines into the Darkness (A History of Atheism)
Don't Let Santa Eat Your Children
On Abortion:
When did Feminists Abort the Pro-Life Position?
How Common Is Infanticide in Abortion Facilities?
Why Conservatives Can't Prevent Fascism
The Revival of Euthanasia
Random Thoughts on Childcare and Parenting