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Autism in a Nutshell


All children are born with individual identities, yet almost all of them undergo social conditioning by being forced to take on the collective identities of their environments instead and learning to conform and comply. But there will always be children who resist this process (or aren't subjected to it in the first place) and retain at least parts of their individual identities which provides them with both an intellectual advantage and a societal disadvantage.

The societal disadvantage is well-known. Due to our individual identities we are unable to fulfil the social expectations of those around us and are therefore excluded from basically everything, such as social circles and employment. But then there’s the intellectual advantage.

I guess we all love human progress. But progress isn’t the result of conformity and compliance; the world is changed by those who think and act individually.

(You can find the long version at The Deindividuation Resister Hypothesis.)

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