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It is ironic that specific terms other than normal or sane have to be coined for people who retain their natural state, but when these people become a small minority far outnumbered by the conditioned masses, we need a word that describes the natural state. In regard to superstition that word is atheism, and in regard to herd mentality that word is autism.
The science is there. While humans in general are biased and irrational, there is one type of people who are unbiased and rational: autistic people.
But we live in a world in which bias and irrationality are considered virtues. The consistent results of the Milgram Experiment demonstrate that two thirds of all humans are herd animals who, within their social units, unquestioningly obey authority and follow the crowd. As we have seen recently, this can lead to complete detachment from reality.
In the Deindividuation Resister Hypothesis I argue that all children are born with individual identities but are conditioned by society which forces them to take on their respective collective identities, such as religion, nationality and culture, at the expense of their sanity and intellectual potential.
Those who resist this deindividuation process are ostracised and persecuted for not fulfilling others' pesky social expectations while left with the task of driving human progress by using their uncorrupted minds to the benefit of those who fight them, and several autismophobic organisations and individuals are looking for ways to eliminate them entirely (which, ironically, could only happen with the support of autistic scientists).
In a sane world nobody would subscribe to collective identities and everybody would be accepted for who they are; basically, everybody would be autistic. But as we are living in an insane world and sane people are a small minority, sanity is considered a disorder to get rid of.