
Words that should be incorporated into the English Language

Blow-In Allowances
Breadcrumb Budget
Collective Pretence
Grand Little Coalition
The Grey Death
Opinion Package
Zionist Syndrome

Aprime (adj)

Acronym for 'authoritarian parenting, religious indoctrination & mainstream education', the trinity for dumbifying children by suppressing their individual expression and judgment as described in my Deindividuation Resister Hypothesis.

He is trying to overcome his aprime upbringing.

Autistocide (n)

Autistocide (from ‘autism’, and from French: -cide and Latin: -cida, ‘killing, killer’) is the premeditated killing of an autistic individual. In the vast majority of cases the crime is committed by a mother against her autistic child, often pretending to have attempted a murder-suicide in which the suicide part failed.

Autistocide is often condoned and even justified by mainstream media and organisations such as Autism $peaks as a result of increased scaremongering against autistic persons and the supposedly heavy burden of raising a non-standard child.

Blow-In Allowances (n, plural only)

Blow-in allowances are made for foreigners who live amongst the native population of a country. While they may not be integrated into the community, their different behaviours and opinions (which the natives wouldn’t accept from one of their own) might be tolerated in informal settings because of their different backgrounds.
Many autistic people leave their native country in order to avail of blow-in allowances when they realise that their behaviours and opinions isolate them in their own country.

Breadcrumb Budget (n)

A breadcrumb budget is the last budget of a misoplebeian government before a general election. In order to convince the common people that they care about them, that the hard times are over and that things will get better for them in the future, concessions are made to slightly alleviate the working class’ lot until the elections by throwing them breadcrumbs, i.e. not raising or even lowering taxes, not cutting or even raising social welfare payments and expenditure for education, health services etc.

Breadcrumb budgets, when successful in getting the government re-elected, are followed by particularly severe budgets.

Collective Pretence (n)

A collective pretence is the phenomenon of a group of (usually non-autistic) people appearing to accept something suggested by a person in authority or handed down as tradition as fact, despite not only knowing it to be untrue but also being aware that all other group members are in the same position. A well-known example of a collective pretence is Hans Christian Andersen’s story of The Emperor’s New Clothes.

Diaphoraphobia (n)

Diaphoraphobia (from the Greek: diaphorá, "difference" and phóbos, "fear") is a specific phobia, the fear of the different. It is the most common phobia of all – so common, in fact, that estimates suggest a prevalence of 70-80% in all humans.

People suffering from diaphoraphobia get upset whenever others don’t think or behave in the accepted standard way of their particular group or culture, and even if they only look different. They may experience an irregular pulse, excessive sweating and heart problems. Reactions range from avoiding and ostracising these other people to expelling and even persecuting them.

The reason behind this phobia remains unknown, as well as its origins. While evolutionary psychology generally tries to explain phobias as adaptations to the environment which lead, even if only temporarily, to an evolutionary advantage, this definitely can’t be the case with diaphoraphobia since the condition itself prevents evolution and promotes inbreeding. Diaphoraphobics would have opposed man-made fires and the wheel as much as vaccines and the Internet.

We can safely conclude that the prevalence of this phobia has significantly slowed down human progress because, with diaphoraphobics being the vast majority, any improvements are being rejected, and anybody bringing these improvements about has to be strong-willed, self-assured and ready to stand out and make enemies. And even when they are, they may still be silenced and their ideas suppressed.

Diaphoraphobia incorporates a number of other phobias which until recently received a separate diagnosis, such as xenophobia (fear of foreigners), ethnophobia (fear of other races), Palestinophobia (fear of Palestinians), homophobia (fear of homosexuals), technophobia (fear of new technologies), sinistrophobia (fear of left-handed people) and autismophobia (fear of autism and autistic people).

While outsiders and group members of diaphoraphobics who appear different are dealt with in the prescribed manner of the group (from being avoided to being lynched, depending on the culture), family members showing signs of being different are usually dealt with in other ways. We know that many of them were killed or abandoned in ancient times, and they have been kept as an embarrassment in the basement or dumped into institutions for the past centuries. While this custom continues, a more recent approach is to treat their differentness as a disability and try to ‘cure’ them by suppressing their strengths and destroying their potential, such as forcing left-handed children to use their right hand for writing, eating etc, or breaking autistic children by subjecting them to demeaning procedures like Applied Behaviour Analysis in order to make them copy accepted standard behaviour and appear ‘normal’.

There is no known treatment for diaphoraphobia, one of the main problems being that most sufferers do not consider their condition a disorder and point out that they’re in the majority, which in their opinion makes them right. Studies suggest that diaphoraphobia is less common amongst atheists and agnostics, and that education and exposure to other cultures can contribute significantly to a reduction of the symptoms.

Franklike (adj)

In an entirely unique way.

Gosnell (v)

To gosnell someone means murdering a newborn child after a failed abortion attempt (after American serial killer Kermit Gosnell).

Goyism (n)

Goyism (from Yiddish: goy, ‘a gentile’, initial meaning ‘the other nations’) is the belief of a group that all other humans were created for the sole purpose of serving them.
While this belief is mostly present in religions such as Judaism, it may also apply to extremely narcissistic individuals.

Grand Little Coalition (n)

A coalition of the two main parties who pursue identical agendas but claim to be incompatible. The junior partner will support the senior partner by abstaining from all votes, yet reject any responsibility for their decisions and claim to be an opposition party in order to gain ground in the next election.

The Grey Death (proper noun)

The ongoing COVID-19 outbreak which kills mainly elderly and immunocompromised people and which capitalists see as an opportunity for ‘culling elderly dependents’.

Misoplebeian (n, adj)

Misoplebeian (hybrid, from Greek: mîsos, ‘hatred’ and Latin: plebeius, ‘common people’) refers to contempt and hatred of the common people. It is a common feature amongst the upper classes and dictates the philosophies of almost all corporations and governments.

While the ruling class in the past had nothing to fear from the commoners (provided they didn’t push them too far), the requirement to get elected by them has put a lot of pressure on their government officials in recent times, especially in the run-up to an election when they have to pretend to care about common people.

However, even though governments are technically employed by the people, the misoplebeians have ensured that they are not bound by their employment contract (condescendingly called an ‘election promise') and enjoy liberties no other employees are granted, such as avoiding background checks, not having to be present at the workplace, drinking on the job etc while not being accountable to anyone.

The term was first used in my poem The Spirit of Democracy.

Nosocentrism (n)

Nosocentrism (from Latin: nos, 'we', and centrum) is the belief that the world was built around one's own collective identities, first used in my poem about Aristarchus of Samos.

Opinion Package (n)

An opinion package is the subscription to a particular worldview as a whole without any serious reflection on the individual aspects of that view.

Paedophiliphile (n)

A paedophiliphile (from: paedophile, ‘an adult who is sexually attracted to children’, and Greek: phílos, ‘dear, beloved’) is someone who is aware of the sexual abuse of children without taking action or even assisting in their cover-ups, such as the Catholic bishops, Hillary Clinton or Gerry Adams.

Topshite (n)

In the UK and Ireland the term gobshite refers to a stupid and incompetent person; hence a topshite is a high-ranking gobshite, such as a government official or CEO.

Unconsciousnessprecipitatingly (adv)

In an unconsciousnessprecipitating manner, i.e. a manner that leads to somebody losing their consciousness, usually by means of violence.

The term was first used in my collection Christmas Carols for Working-Class Parents and turned down for the Guinness Book of Records as the longest non-scientific sensical (i.e. non-nonsensical) word in the English language because it is not in general use yet.

Zionist Syndrome (n)

The Zionist Syndrome is displayed by a people that had been subjected to genocide in the past and whose survivors in turn commit genocide against another people.

© Frank L. Ludwig