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The Saw Doctors

The Saw Doctors

Pope John Paul II, Papst Johannes Paul II, Papa Juan Pablo II, Papa Giovanni Paolo II

John Paul II (1)
(from negative, 1986)

Pope John Paul II, Papst Johannes Paul II, Papa Juan Pablo II, Papa Giovanni Paolo II

John Paul II (2)
(from negative, 1986)

Pope John Paul II, Papst Johannes Paul II, Papa Juan Pablo II, Papa Giovanni Paolo II

John Paul II (3)
(from negative, 1986)

Pope John Paul II, Papst Johannes Paul II, Papa Juan Pablo II, Papa Giovanni Paolo II

John Paul II (4)
(from negative, 1986)

Christy Moore

Christy Moore 1

Christy Moore

Christy Moore 2

Joachim Witt

Joachim Witt

Joachim Witt and Frank L. Ludwig

Joachim Witt and Frank L. Ludwig

Tabby Callaghan

Tabby Callaghan 1

Tabby Callaghan

Tabby Callaghan 2

Tommie Gorman and John Behan

Tommie Gorman and John Behan x

© Frank L. Ludwig