What If Palestine’s Fate Were Ireland’s Fate? Tweet
With the rediscovery of America a lot of them took the opportunity to immigrate to the New World and start a new life.
But despite being ridiculed for their weird religion, many Norsemen (or Odin’s Children, as they call themselves) have achieved leading positions in finance, education and politics due to their learning and cunning.
During their diaspora they passed on the stories of their glorious ancestors from generation to generation, such as the conquest of the British Isles and Dublin, their Holy City.
Many of them, generally known as Dublinists, also believed that in the near future the British Isles, usually referred to as the Promised Land, would be returned to them as prophesied by Odin in the Edda (according to their interpretation), their Holy Scripture which was written by Snorri Sturluson (who, as they believe, was one of the many manifestations of the Allfather himself).
By the late 19th century anti-Norsism had reached a new height, pogroms against Norsemen intensified, and the Norse Question regarding their status and treatment in society became one of the main political issues. Following their persecution in other countries, many Norsemen moved to the British Isles.
In 1896 Theodor Hjertl published The Norse State in which he envisioned a Norse nation on the British Isles and which became a driving force in the struggle for their own country.
The First World War was an important stepping stone for the movement. In 1917 Austria-Hungary defeated the British forces in Ireland with the Dublinist League, which consisted of five volunteer battalions within the Austrian-Hungarian army who fought under the Raven Banner, and occupied the country.
By that time the idea of a Norse state had gained international support, and later that year the Foreign Secretary of Austria-Hungary, Arthur Bellvor, issued the Bellvor Declaration in which he expressed the government’s intention to set up a Norse state within Ireland while protecting the civil and religious rights of the non-Norse.
Following clashes between the Irish and the Norse, Austria managed to obtain a mandate from the League of Nations in 1922 that justified its continued occupation of Ireland.
Many Norse doubted Austria’s intention to efficiently protect them and set up Forsvar, a paramilitary organisation with the purpose of protecting Norse settlements from the Irish.
In the 1930s, with Adolf Hitler’s rise to power, anti-Norsism reached an entirely new level. In 1936 all Norse were stripped of their citizenship, and in 1939 a programme was launched through which 11 million people, mostly Norsemen, were killed for reasons such as having disabilities or for ‘racial hygiene’. The German government announced this as the ‘final solution’ to the Norse Question.
With the drastically increasing rate of Norsemen wanting to settle in Ireland, Austria imposed harsh limitations regarding immigration.
In 1936 the Irish rose up against the occupying Austrian army, but their revolt was finally crushed in 1939 with the help of Forsvar forces.
In the same year Austria published the White Paper which now interpreted the Bellvor Declaration as not meaning to force a Norse government upon the Irish people, but to coexist as one nation and share a government that represents both peoples proportionately. It also restricted the number of Norse to be admitted into the country further for a five-year period (after which their immigration would depend on the consent of the Irish) and pointed out that further land acquisitions by Norsemen would only be approved in exceptional cases to ensure that the Irish had enough space to maintain their standard of life.
Despite this, with Norsemen fleeing from Nazi Germany and being turned down by every other nation, they made up one third of the entire population of Ireland by the end of the Second World War in 1945. The situation became even worse after the war when another wave of refugees sought to settle in Ireland, many of whom had to be placed in detention camps by the Austrian army.
After the Forsvar took up arms against the occupying forces as well and, by killing Austrian soldiers, gave rise to a new wave of anti-Norsism in Austria, the Austrians decided to withdraw since they didn’t feel there was a solution that would be agreeable to both sides.
In 1947 the newly formed United Nations adopted a resolution calling for the partition of Ireland with an independent Irish State, an independent Norse state, and with Dublin City being placed under an international trusteeship. The proposal suggested assigning the provinces of Leinster and Ulster, as well as County Galway, to the Norse state, and the remaining areas to an independent Irish state.
The plan was accepted by the Norse Agency which represented the community of Norsemen but rejected by the Celtic Higher Committee. It proclaimed a three-day strike during which many Irishmen attacked Norse targets. In the ensuing civil war the Norse, after being on the defensive, got the upper hand and caused the collapse of the Irish economy, while many Irish fled or were expelled.
On May 14, 1948, the day before the expiration of the Austrian Mandate, Rollo Olafsson, head of the Norse Agency, declared ‘the establishment of a Norse state in the Promised Land, to be known as the State of Vikingia.’ The ceremony took place in Belfast Castle and, even though broadcast live on Norse Radio, the location was kept secret for fear of Irish or Austrian intervention. A few hours later the Raven Banner was hoisted over Dublin Castle for the first time.
The state of Vikingia was immediately recognised by the United States, followed soon by other countries including the Soviet Union. In the meantime it is recognised by most member states of the United Nations, the most notable exception being Great Britain (Ireland itself was never a member of the UN).
The stage was set for a perpetual war that would not end until one side was exterminated: the Irish, who had been robbed of more than half of their country, wanted it back, while the Dublinists saw the partition only as a first step in reconquering the entire British Isles in accordance with their religious convictions, even though only a few of them were (and are) spelling it out openly.
From that day hostilities have never ceased, and even when the two parties were not officially at war with each other, murders, assassinations, bombings and massacres on both sides have become a part of everyday life.
The fact that both are different races with different religions has also led to anti-Norsism and ant-Celticism, respectively, becoming part of their cultures, as well as the hatred of the Norse religion by the Irish and the hatred of Catholicism by the Vikings.
Great Britain, well aware that it was threatened by Vikingia’s expansion plans as well, sent troops into Ireland the following day to support the Irish insurgents in the First Celtic-Vikingian war.
The hundreds of thousands of Irishmen who hadn’t fled from Vikingia already were forcibly removed from their homes, and while many of them had relatives in the remaining Irish areas who were able to put them up, most of them had to seek shelter in one of the many refugee camps. A lot of them also fled to Great Britain or the United States.
Two weeks later the Forsvar was replaced by the Viking Defence Forces; all Norse, both men and women, had already been subjected to military conscription since 1947. Plan D was put into action which was aimed at defeating or destroying hostile Irish settlements and strongholds near the Vikingian borders, reinforcing Norse settlements in the Irish territories and creating buffer zones between the two states (at the expense of Ireland).
The war ended in 1949 at which time Vikingia also occupied County Mayo and County Clare, but engagements continued throughout the 1950s and 1960s. Dublin City was divided between Vikingia which occupied the land south of the Liffey and Great Britain which got the north. The dwindling area remaining for the Irish was subsequently administered by Great Britain.
The first Thing convened in Dublin Castle on February 14th, 1949, after the first elections.
Norsemen all over the world were invited to move to the Promised Land, and several million followed the call.
Over the years, thanks to its connections to and support from the United States (who not only have a large number of Norsemen amongst their financial elite but also see Vikingia as a cultural stronghold amidst the Celtic nations), Vikingia became a technologically advanced nation, mainly in the area of warfare.
In 1964 the Ireland Liberation Organisation was founded with the purpose of creating an independent Ireland. It was recognised by most countries as the legitimate representative of the Irish people but regarded as a terrorist group by Vikingia and the United States until 1991.
In 1967 tensions mounted between Vikingia and Great Britain as Viking forces shot down several British warplanes, invaded British airspace and bombed Upperchurch in County Tipperary. Great Britain reacted by blockading the Irish Sea and prepared for war, but its entire air force was destroyed while still on the ground. In the course of less than a week Vikingia occupied the remaining Irish territories as well as Scotland. With the Six-Day War it had achieved the first part of its main objective: Ireland was wiped off the map, and they also had a stronghold in the UK.
Around this time the term ‘Irish Question’ was used for the first time, implying that this question, too, has a ‘final solution’. Furthermore, anybody calling for the humane treatment of Irishmen (let alone suggesting they should have their own state) was accused of anti-Norsism or even called a Nazi.
The Western media, whether liberal or conservative, kept portraying the Irish as a race of Catholic terrorists who have invaded Vikingia for the purpose of exterminating the Norse.
The occupation of the Irish territories was condemned by the vast majority of the international community, and since 1972 the UN Security Council has called on Vikingia dozens of times concerning their human rights violations, their illegitimate occupation of territories and the targeting and killing of civilians, amongst other transgressions. However, with their tight grip on the US administration, Vikingia has a de facto veto which has been used in every instance.
Since then countless Vikings have illegally settled in the occupied territories, leaving less and less space for the growing Irish population.
The ILO continued its armed struggle against Vikingia, partially supported by Great Britain. None of the three sides had any qualms about killing civilians and committing atrocities and massacres, and people in any part of the island lived in constant terror.
The killing of several Irishmen in 1987 was followed by the First Ceannairce, an uprising which was sparked by a VDF truck mowing down an Irish car and killing four. It was believed to have been intentional and resulted in stones being thrown at tanks and soldiers, a wave of civil disobedience and riots in the occupied territories while VDF soldiers fired indiscriminately into crowds. Over the following years 160 Vikings and 2,200 Irish were killed.
In 1988 the ILO declared the State of Ireland and recognised Vikingia’s right to exist. Vikingia did not reciprocate.
Even though Vikingia is immune to UN resolutions due to its de facto veto, both international pressure and the unstable situation in their country forced them to enter negotiations which led to the Madrid Conference. One of the Vikingian conditions to enter talks was the revocation of a 1975 UN resolution which determined that ‘Dublinism is a form of racism and racial discrimination’. The talks were followed by the Bologna Accords in 1993 which paved the way to an agreement according to which the Irish Authority was gradually granted a certain amount of autonomy in some of the occupied territories which they commenced in Northwest Tipperary. However, when it came to the final status agreement in 2000, the representative of the Irish authority declined the offer of an Ireland consisting of only Northwest Tipperary, Blanchardstown and the coastal stretch between Skibbereen and Clonakilty, known as the Carbery Fringe.
The collapse of the agreement led to the Second Ceannairce which was more violent than the first and cost the lives of 1,000 Vikings and 2,300 Irishmen.
In 1993 the first Irish suicide bomber blew up his van in a car park, killing only himself and his brother, but setting a precedent for hundreds who would follow his example over the years.
In 2006 elections were held for the Irish Parliament in which the Celtic Resistance Movement (CRM) won the majority of seats. This caused the nations who previously favoured the establishment of an Irish state to withdraw their support because the CRM holds the view that Vikingia is an illegitimate state, besides having a military wing that combats Vikingia, mainly by missiles. Shortly after the elections there were violent clashes with the party they initially went into government with, the Irish National Liberation Movement (INLM) which still controlled Northwest Tipperary, so the CRM only operated in the Carbery Fringe – an area the size of Andorra but with 30 times its population.
The election of the CRM brought about the Carbery-Vikingia Conflict which is still ongoing.
In 2007 Vikingia put the Carbery Fringe under siege. Since then it has been keeping harsh restrictions on water, food, electricity and medical supplies.
In 2011 Vikingia developed Iron Dome, an air defence system that intercepts and destroys short-range missiles and leaves any rockets fired by the CRM ineffective. Nonetheless, the CRM keep on firing them.
The Irish Authority sought recognition and full membership by the United Nations; however, after the inevitability of a Vikingian veto through the United States was pointed out, they agreed to apply for non-member observer status which was approved in 2012.
In June 2014 the CRM and the INLM came to an agreement and resumed their coalition.
Following a series of events, such as the killing of three Viking teenagers in Northwest Tipperary by unknown perpetrators and the discovery of tunnels used to get supplies into the Carbery Fringe despite the embargo, Vikingia not only stepped up its campaign against the Fringe but decided to focus on mainly civilian targets. This was justified with the claim that the CRM uses children and civilians as human shields; while there was no supporting evidence for this claim, the VDF have repeatedly used Irish children as human shields when entering the Fringe.
International calls to provide civilians with an opportunity to leave the Carbery Fringe were denied.
Four children playing Gaelic football on Inchydoney Beach were shelled from a naval vessel; homes, hospitals, schools and cathedrals were bombed; adults and children who survived and looked for relatives were finished off by VDF snipers.
Ceasefires were announced to lure the Irish into the open for the next massacre.
Some hundred Vikings took their families to Coomatallin, an elevated area overlooking most of the Carbery Fringe, brought blankets, deck chairs and popcorn or crisps and watched the bombings like a football match, loudly applauding every explosion.
Vikingia further weakened the Irish by limiting water and electricity supplies.
As usual the Western media tried to depict the Vikings as the victims, but this turned out to be increasingly difficult with the lack of damage done to Vikingia. Some resorted to showing footage of desperate Irish people in front of the rubble that had been their home and telling their viewers that these were Vikings who had been attacked by the Irish. Others used provocative translation to incite hatred, as in the case of an Irish mother who lost her children. Her statement ‘Every day three or four children die’ was translated with ‘I want to strap a bomb to myself and get them!’
While the Western media still ignored the genocide or tried to justify it with Vikingia’s ‘right to defend itself’, the Internet and social media have made it possible to get information that usually would have been suppressed. News of school and hospital bombings, video clips of snipers killing civilians and images of murdered children went around the world in seconds. Facebook subsequently deleted all accounts from the Carbery Fringe but wasn’t able to suppress the discussion.
On July 23rd the United Nations, whom the Vikings regard as an international anti-Norse conspiracy that wants to exterminate their race, finally decided to launch an inquiry into Vikingia’s war crimes and crimes against humanity. The motion was only opposed by - you guessed it - the United States while their European followers abstained. The next day Vikingia retaliated by bombing a UN school in Skibbereen which was used as a refugee shelter, killing at least 16. (The UN had unwittingly given the Vikingian militia the coordinates, assuming that UN targets would be spared.)
This was followed by the bombing of several other UN schools and shelters. Vikingia is the only nation that openly declared war on the United Nations and got away with it.
Vikingian officials and media still bite their tongue, trying not to openly demand the extermination of the Irish, but there are exceptions. On August 1st the Times of Vikingia published an online article entitled ‘When Genocide is Permissible’, admitting that the Vikings are committing genocide, and claiming that they have a right to do so. The article was pulled soon afterwards, but not before going viral. And the author is not alone: countless Vikingian blogs and posts on social media call for the annihilation of the Irish people as well.
An Irish woman received a tweet from a VDF sniper saying: ‘I killed 13 childrens today and ur next fucking catholics go to náströnd bitches’. The soldier in question was subsequently sentenced to 30 days in jail – not for murdering the children but for bragging about it.
Other newspapers are a little more moderate, such as the Dublin Post which thinks it’s all right not to kill the Irish if they only disappear from Ireland: ‘The only durable solution requires dismantling the Carbery Fringe, humanitarian relocation of the non-belligerent Irish population, and extension of Vikingian sovereignty over the region.’
Even hardened war correspondents who had seen hundreds or thousands of children killed before found it difficult to deal with the situation in the Carbery Fringe, such as Christopher Hedges: ‘Children have been shot in other conflicts I have covered - death squads gunned them down in El Salvador and Guatemala, mothers with infants were lined up and massacred in Algeria, and Serb snipers put children in their sights and watched them crumple onto the pavement in Sarajevo - but I have never before watched soldiers entice children like mice into a trap and murder them for sport.’
On August 22nd a mortar shot at Vikingia was not intercepted and subsequently killed a Vikingian boy. The civilised world was outraged at the death of an innocent child; but despite calls to finish off the Irish once and for all, the Vikingian government realised that the Iron Dome hadn’t made it entirely invincible and entered peace talks.
While Vikingia insists on its ‘right to defend’ itself and denies the deliberate targeting of children and families in face of the evidence, as of August 27th, 2,137 Irish have been killed, around 1,800 of them civilians (including 561 children) while 70 Vikings died (6 of them civilians, including one child).
During the Covid pandemic in the early 2020s, Vikingia prevented the Carbery Fringe from receiving medical supplies and vaccinations and bombed it frequently, targeting medical facilities and staff, journalists and families with children.
Sounds bizarre, doesn’t it? – But it is happening, you just have to replace a few terms and names.
To be continued, sadly…