The Progressive Neanderthal v Conservative Homo sapiens Hypothesis

In my Autistic Neanderthal Theory I have demonstrated that Homo sapiens, being of a social nature, were quite unremarkable until assimilating the highly sophisticated Neanderthals who were of an individual nature, resulting in the emergence of modern humans, and that autism is the manifestation of a predominantly individual personality (as opposed to the predominantly social nature of mainstream people) due to Neanderthal DNA.
I am also convinced that Neanderthal DNA plays a vital role in shaping our political views. Other than the Autistic Neanderthal Theory, which is backed by established facts and scientific data, this is merely a hypothesis since it is based on observations and logic.

Of course we all are both individuals and social beings, but in this article I will use the terms ‘individual’ and ‘social person’ to refer to the extreme ends of the neurological spectrum (which I developed based on this hypothesis).

Individuals identify themselves individually while social persons identify themselves as group members. Therefore individuals are far more accepting of any differences while social persons give in to an us-v-them mentality in which people who are in any way different are feared, hated, ostracised, discriminated against and in many cases dehumanised.

Individuals regard others as equals; they also make up their own minds and therefore don’t blindly obey authority. Social persons accept the hierarchy within their group and don’t question the orders of their superiors or condemn the actions of other group members, regardless of their immorality or illegality.

Individuals care for the wellbeing of others, regardless of how different from themselves the others may be. Social persons care for the wellbeing of the group, regardless of the fate of individual members, including themselves. For example, for those who identify themselves by their nationality, the main indicator of the group’s wellbeing is the economy, and all sacrifices (including human sacrifices) are justified to achieve the best outcome, even if it means oneself has to suffer.

Individuals welcome progress. Social persons, while appreciating improvements of the past that suit their worldview, strongly support the status quo and oppose all attempts at social changes except from those in authority.

Following the conclusion of the Autistic Neanderthal Theory, it is no surprise that the vast majority of autistic people who embrace their neurological orientation are liberals, and that their own autistic children have fewer or no difficulties due to their liberal parenting.

Still, all autistic people walk a tightrope between their desires to be their authentic selves and to be accepted. The more they have internalised society's autismophobia and consider themselves defective or deficient, the more they'll try to fit in and fulfil the social expectations of others. And fulfilling these expectations is easier when they are clearly outlined and rigid; that's why many autismophobic autistic people end up in far-right extremist groups or in cults.
A handful of them also manage to be financially successful (usually on the backs of others) and thereby achieve acceptance despite not fitting in.

I developed this hypothesis in 2020, and further contemplation on the matter led me to come up with the aforementioned model of the Neurological Spectrum and culminated in the Deindividuation Resister Hypothesis in which I argue that human progress is driven by people who resist (or are not subjected to) social conditioning and retain the individual identity every child is born with at the cost of being ostracised and pathologised. All aspects of the Progressive Neanderthal Hypothesis are meanwhile covered in these two pieces and my article on Internalised Autismophobia.

© 6261 RT (2020 CE) by Frank L. Ludwig